Goi Cuon- How To Make Fresh Vietnamese Summer Rolls With Shrimp + Peanut Hoisin Dipping Sauce

Simply translated Goi Cuon literally translates to salad rolls. They were definitely a popular treat growing up and continue to be one of our favorite snacks because they’re so fresh and healthy.

These traditional Vietnamese spring rolls are packed with fresh herbs, veggies, and shrimp. Often times you will also see them with pork as well but today we will be making them with just shrimp (equally tasty and pescatarian).

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Vietnamese Okra- “Dau Bap” recipe

I just picked up my Asian CSA yesterday and I was so excited to see okra on the list! Okra, aka lady fingers, contain pods that are “mucilaginous,” which results in a super slimy texture when cooked.

This “mucilage” or slime is a debatable matter. Some folks either enjoy this gooey texture and others just hate it for that same reason.

Click through for the recipe and to learn how to make this dish super slimy!

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Vietnamese Stir Fried Loofah/Luffa- Muop Xao

Squid 🦑 Games… Part I: cooking with Squid!

This was one of my favorite vegetables growing up and my dad grew these along with many other types of asian squashes since they were harder to find.

Luffa or loofah (botanically Luffa aegyptiaca) is a vine-grown member of the pumpkin, squash and gourd family. Click link on how to cook this comfort veggie dish!

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Vietnamese SNP Vietnamese SNP

Vietnamese Sautéd Ground Beef- “Thit Bo Ram Man” Recipe

Ground beef is stir-fried and cooked to perfection with a super savory & peppery homemade Vietnamese sauce.

This salty ground beef dish was definitely one of my ultimate childhood favorites. It’s a quick dish that’s salty, aromatic and super savory. This dish is served over steamed jasmine rice and often served with some fresh slices of cucumber to cut the saltiness of the beef.

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Sautéed Garlic Soy Beansprouts With Tatsoi/Chrysanthemum

Has anyone else cook with these before?

Tatsoi is an Asian variety of Brassica rapa grown for greens and is also called “tat choy”, which sounds like and is related to it’s sister greens, Bok Choy.

I like cooking bok choy with bean sprouts so I used the same recipe here. Tatsoi greens along with garlic and bean sprouts are sautéed in a flavorful ginger soy sauce.

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